Sandecoshield is employed for safeguarding the final coat and decorative effect finishes, including textured systems, on both the exterior and interior surfaces of buildings.
-It delivers a long-lasting finish and exhibits minimal dirt adhesion on -the applied surface.
-Its exceptional water-repellent properties make it an effective barrier against moisture.
-Thanks to its high vapor permeability, it enables the surface to release steam and breathe.
-Being water-based, it has no harm to human health or the environment.
The surface must be clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc. All traces of release agents must be removed. On chalky and dusty surfaces, all loose material must be removed by stiff bristle brushing.
-After completion of surface preparation, mix well Sandecoshield by diluting it with (maximum) 25-30% of fresh water. Apply two coats with a brush and wait minimum 6 hours before applying the second layer.
– The environment of application must be kept between +5°C to +35°C within 24 hours during and after the application.
Allow 5-6 hours for the surface to become touch-dry, 8 hours for it to harden, and a full 24 hours for complete drying under 23°C environmental conditions.
For two coats application, depending on surface smoothness, porosity, and application methods: