Fashion repeats itself. How familiar is this sentence to all of us? The spirit of the time follows our daily habits not only in ready-to-wear but also in decoration.
Trends continue to follow the traces of the past, sometimes following a minimalist modern line, and sometimes to be inspired by the life habits of certain periods. The most striking fashion of the last 10 years is the effortless and bohemian spaces that return with this new generation industrial decoration style.
A trend towards turning the parts of industrial buildings defined as dead spaces in architecture into living spaces in America in the 1940s created the concept of a loft apartment. The aspect of the economic crisis that particularly affected the art scene contributed to the creation of flexible and creative studio-houses. The most striking aspect of these spaces were the bare walls. Painted walls or carrier elements such as column beams with only rough plaster. This simple and natural image was seen as the most important decorative element summarizing the spirit of the space after a certain point.
Recently, it has started to be preferred in industrial decoration cafes, stores, offices, shopping malls and new generation coffee shops. So much so that contrary walls that give this natural texture living feeling have entered our homes. Sometimes the expression of effortlessness with its gross concrete appearance that repeats throughout the whole house or the striking effect of an effect applied concrete-like plaster that provides differentiation on a single wall.
You can use the Beton Deco painted walls of your living spaces and your living spaces as an exhibition canvas by placing open shelf display elements or vertical flower pots, using the most aesthetic way to emphasize the decorative or display elements you want. The harmony of the walls with solid wood surfaces and retro furniture is perfect for those looking for an eclectic interior design. Light reflections to be obtained by using wall sconces and floor lighting elements will provide you with an extremely cool effect on your concrete-looking walls.
Beton Deco not only makes a difference in interior architecture and decoration, but also saves architects from laborious and heavy elements such as exposed concrete panels in facade design. It offers the easiest way to create bold and striking building facades with its highly durable acrylic emulsion-based and environmentally friendly Betondeco exterior plaster products.
Industrial decoration and its visible reflections in architecture seem to be a trend that will guide our understanding of design for a while, but its effects are not a short-term and temporary trend.
It seems that we will continue to see the aesthetics on the walls with the striking and eye-catching effect of the trends that we witnessed as being reborn and integrated into the modern design world.